God thank you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for today seriously God we thank you we thank you that your will always prevails thank you God that it’s your will your kingdom come Lord your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven in America as it is in heaven in the life of President Donald
Trump as it is in heaven and we just want to take a moment and honor president Donald Trump we thank you for your Relentless love and devotion you have given to this country and we bless you and we bless your beautiful family and if if we could all just bow our heads down to
pray father we thank you Lord you are truly everything your name is above every other name and apart from you we can do nothing Spirit of the Living God may you be glorified in everything that takes place today may we humble ourselves in your presence Lord all glory to you
and may we come together in this room and pray for Los Angeles and those that were impacted by the fire you are the god that redeems and that is with us God bring restoration to this situation Lord we thank you for choosing president Donald Trump as a vessel for your nation as he carries the great
responsibility of leading your people may he rest in the knowledge that you Lord are the one who goes before him and you will never leave him nor forsake Him I pray that you would protect his mind and you would guard his heart I pray that you would place a shield around our
president his family and upon this nation that when opposition comes his way may you provide Angelic protection wherever he goes may he stand firm in knowing the Lord is his refuge in whom he can trust for it is written in Psalm 91 that when we trust in your name you
will order angels to protect us wherever we go Lord we pray that it would be your power and your wisdom that would guide every decision and be the foundation of this nation I pray that it would be your spirit that rest upon president Donald Trump the spirit of wisdom and
understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord yes father I pray for an outpouring of love and healing and unity over this country Jesus for your word says that you can have faith that moves mountains but if we don’t have love it means
nothing Lord would you soften the hearts of your sons and daughters would you make us more like you that we can love each other as you have loved us Lord I come boldly to the throne of grace and I pray for a Revival in this nation that we would get back to the heart of the matter and that is you
Jesus the prince of peace the one who humbly laid down his life for us and calls us to lay down our lives for one another may that be the very Foundation of this nation president Donald Trump we say that you will succeed and America will yet again Prosper may you manifest
in the brightest of colors and may your Reign be righteous in Jesus mighty name yes yes 2 Chronicles 7:14 says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive
their sin and I will heal their land we call on the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and we pray that you you would heal this land and the people who inhabit it Lord I ask that you would release your power Upon This Nation I pray this country be washed by your blood Your Precious Blood I pray that a
holy fire would rain down to produce a move of Purity and Holiness in this nation I pray that eyes would be opened and salvation would sweep Across America I pray in Acts 2 outpouring of the Holy SP spirit and a mighty move of God to take place in America like we have never seen
before Jesus is The Lion and the Lamb on the same day at the same time powerful enough to raise the Dead with a spoken word and humble enough to wash feet I pray that this would be the heart of America powerful beyond belief more powerful than any adversary and with a True Heart of
humility to serve one another and provide for the poor care for the sick and bring Justice to the oppressed in Matthew 25 Jesus says for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat I was a stranger and you invited me in whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine you did for me I thank you God that this is not just a moral religion or a cultural belief but this is worship of and relationship with the crucified and risen Christ there’s a throne in heaven and it’s not empty it’s occupied the Worthy
is the Lamb that was slain but he is standing Jesus Christ sits on the throne in heaven and he is completely unmoved by any sort of political power you can’t elect him you can’t impeach him he is the king of glory the king of glory and he is worthy of your praise so president Trump we set
the name of the Lord upon you and we declare that no weapon formed against you will prosper that every tongue that rises up against you in judgment will be condemned and if God before you who can be against you we bless you president Trump in Jesus name