Russia and US Clash at Security Meeting in Malta and of course our Russian colleague is very Adept drowning listeners in tsunami for misinformation imagine Superman and Lex Luther in the same room Sparks are bound to fly and that’s what happened in Malta yesterday it’s a tiny island nation in southern Europe normally stays out of news but
yesterday it was a scene of a tense diplomatic faceof Russia versus Ukraine and the US I leave you to decide who is Superman and who is Lex Luther anyway Malta was hosting this meeting the osce meeting the organization for security and cooperation in Europe osce it’s a multinational security grouping it includes nations from Europe North America and Asia Russia is also part of this group so Malta invited their foreign minister sergy lavro it was a big moment for Moscow because Malta is also a member of the European Union and this was lavrov’s first visit to an EU
Nation since the war in Ukraine the first in almost three years last year’s OS occe meeting was in North Macedonia which is not an EU member and before that it was hosted by Poland which did not invite lavro but Malta did as expected the meeting produced fireworks
lro was seated at the round table with his rival counterparts Anthony blinkin of the US and Andre siha of Ukraine just as Lov started to speak there was a walk out the delegations from Ukraine Poland and Estonia left the room take a look that left blinkin and lavro the
Russian foreign minister took aim at NATO he said the alliance needed a new enemy after the disgrace in Afghanistan hence they were targeting Russia he also accused NATO of starting a new cold war after that it was blinken’s turn to speak though Lov did not stick around
for that he left immediately after his speech something that the US Diplomat did highlight the US and its allies threw it all away as well as the anti-ballistic missile treaty and intermediate range and shorter range missile treat treaty and the question is what for the answer
to us is obvious in order to return NATO to the political Spotlight after the Afghan disgrace there was a need for a new common enemy and the result is a Reincarnation of the Cold War only now with a much greater risk of it moving into a hot stage now I regret that our colleague Mr
lavro has left the room not giving the courtesy to listen to us as we listen to him and of course our Russian colleague is very Adept at drowning listeners in a tsunami of misinformation let’s talk about escalation let’s talk about the the introduction of North Korean forces into
Europe let’s talk about the use of intermediate range ballistic missiles to attack Ukraine a feisty statement from Anthony blinkin but let’s be honest here the scales have firmly tipped in Russia’s favor blinken is an outgoing Secretary of State his Government tried very hard to isolate Russia
but Moscow is anything but just look at lavrov’s engagements in Malta he met the foreign minister of Slovakia and also the foreign minister of Hungary both these countries are members of NATO and the EU yet they’re talking to serg lav of Russia plus Russia knows that Donald
Trump is coming to the White House he has promised to end the war in Ukraine he’s also hinted at cutting off military aid to Kev that gives Moscow the upper hand Vladimir Putin knows how to deal with Donald Trump how how to press the right buttons we saw an example of that
this week foreign minister lvov gave an interview to American journalist Tucker Carlson now Carlson is a huge Trump fan he spoke at Trump rallies during the campaign his name was also doing the rounds for a cabinet Post in February this year Carlson interviewed Putin and
now he spoken to lavro listen to what the Russian Diplomat said about Trump what do you think of Donald Trump my impression he’s very uh friendly in uh you know uh discussions and but this does not mean that uh that he is pruss some some people try to present him the amount of sanctions
we received under the Trump Administration was very very very big lavro also spoke about Russia’s recent military operations including the ballistic missile attack he attributed it to Joe Biden’s decision last month the US president allowed Ukraine to strike deep inside Russia so lvov says
Russia had to respond the United States and the uh allies of the United States who also provide this uh long range uh HP weapons to the KF regime they must understand that we would be ready to use any means not to allow them to succeed in what they call Strategic defeat of
Russia so the message which we wanted to sell by testing in real in real action uh this Hypersonic system uh is that we will we will be ready to do anything to defend our legitimate interest the last two days sum up where things are when the war broke out the West Was United in
opposing it Russia was locked out of forums like the o CE last year Lov called it an appendage of NATO and the EU earlier this year Russia’s parliament passed a resolution against it osc was called anti-russian and discriminatory but yesterday sergy lvov spoke at the
same Forum Not only was he invited he had meetings with other NATO members it tells you how the pendulum has swung Western Unity is crumbling Donald Trump will accelerate it and Putin will be waiting to cash in e
Good information and easy two read